Can you share with us a little bit about yourselves and your background in art, what led you to create the brand Many Rhizomes? Was it an extension of the visual art you were already making?
Zuza: I’m a visual artist. I make sculptures and tapestry.
Prince: I’m a self taught tailor and designer.
Zuza: We’re both interested in making objects - precious, unique pieces that tell stories about nature, slow living, inclusivity and fluidity. Many Rhizomes is a combination of two brands, including Palexture. Many Rhizomes deals with the knitwear, bags and encompassing visual presentation while Palexture is responsible for sewed garments, totes and objects surrounding slow living.
Prince: What led us to create the brand was to express our ideas that fashion can be inclusive, experimental and expressive.
Zuza: We want to share our vision to show how to treat and use garments, handmade objects. We want to be connected with people who are sensitive, self-aware and appreciate handcrafted goods.

I loved reading the story behind your moniker, the contradictory balance of mixing clean lines with more chaotic fabrications. What materials are you most excited to work with right now?
Zuza: Jute, raffia and cotton waxed string.
Prince: Heavy canvas, linen, seesucker and jute.

I'm curious about the fashion scene in Poland. What can you tell us about what people are wearing and excited about in Poland? Any Polish brands we need to know about?
Zuza: Polish people love wearing black. They’re not so open for our oversized garments but they love our bags.
Prince: People are more comfortable wearing tailored fit clothes. We are big fans of GenZ style here in Poland. We’re truly inspired by how they combine pieces together. They are reckless.
Zuza: We have our favorite designers. I’m sure Prince agrees with me. It’s WF_info and jewelry designer Anna Ławska.

What most inspires your designs and work? Do you travel often? Where was the last place you went that left a lasting impression?
Prince: I’m originally from South Africa, that’s where I got inspiration to become a tailor. The style is very versatile there and there is a strong emphasis on color and prints. I wanted to explore the opposite side of that which is minimalism.
Zuza: We travel to different cities and countries mainly to see or exhibit the art. We love to observe elderly people on the street in different places, how they style clothes from previous decades. This is one of the biggest inspirations for us. In our free time we choose thrifting, looking for some vintage pieces and getting inspired.

Your line feels very utilitarian and wearable for everyday. What is your go-to uniform?
Prince: My go-to uniform would be puffy pleated pants, chore jacket, raw bow bag and the cable bag. Summer is coming so I’m expecting to add the newest Ghibli shorts into my rotation.
Zuza: I wear a waxed city basket almost everyday and the raw bow bag adjusted in various ways. I recently made some necklaces and they stay on my neck on a daily basis.

Can you pick your favorite Vestige pieces that you would pair/style with Many Rhizomes?
Prince: Sebago loafers, Lauren Manoogian’s jumpers would be amazing to see paired with some of our items, Sayaka Davis has cool vests.
Zuza: Le Sundial necklaces, Cawley Studio leather jackets, Vibi Venezia mary jane, Jesse Kamm California Wide Denim, Unisecon Ling dress.